A Pillow Fight Club is a unique type of flash mob in which the participants descend on a central location at a preset time in order to engage in a pillow fight. Pillow Fight Clubs can be found all over the world, although they are most widely distributed in Europe and North America, and they stage events at random intervals throughout the year, although a Pillow Fight Club often holds a pillow fight on a major holiday, such as Valentine's Day, April First, or Guy Fawkes Day. The pillow fight lasts as long as combatants are willing to do battle, and often attracts a large crowd of bystanders.
Like many other flash mobs, a Pillow Fight Club organizes using the Internet and word of mouth. Websites often list dates of upcoming pillow fights, and individuals in the know spread the word with fliers, emails, text messages, and other forms of communication. The number of attendants is never known until the pillow fight actually happens, because word of the pillow fight is so widely distributed. In addition to the pillow fighters themselves, many people including the media come merely to observe and record, and because of the high level of Internet use among attendees, thousands of pictures and photographs of the event appear within hours.
The rules of Pillow Fight Club are also clear: each attendee must tell as many people as possible about Pillow Fight Club, and bring his or her pillow, keeping it concealed until the fight is supposed to start. The fight cannot start before the designated time, and everyone who brings a pillow is expected to participate. Individuals who are not holding pillows should not be hit unless they specifically request it. Because of the high amount of loose feathers involved, no tar is permitted, and guests should also not put anything heavy in their pillows, as the idea is to have a fun time, rather than a concussion.
In addition to the formal rules of Pillow Fight Club, which are listed on most Pillow Fight Club fliers and bulletin boards, attendees usually have a few unspoken rules of their own. Caution is used around cameras, even if the camera bearer is participating in the pillow fight, and most participants try to avoid head shots, especially in the direction of people wearing glasses. In addition, if it becomes apparent that someone has dropped or lost something, pillow fighters often form a protective ring around that person until he or she has found the lost item.
Participating in a Pillow Fight Club is an exhilarating romp, and you are likely to come out of it covered in feathers and with an assortment of new friends. All the gear you need is yourself and a pillow, although some people do wear goggles or other forms of head protection. To find a Pillow Fight Club in your area, use your favorite search engine to look up “Pillow Fight Club” and your city.